防水工程施工容易出现的质量通病 |
添加时间:2017/9/19 15:59:20 浏览次数: |
一、空鼓 A hollowing 1、 卷材起泡形成空鼓,可能是人工涂基层胶均匀程度不好,有薄有厚,在相同晾置时间下,胶膜后的地方,胶中溶剂挥发不尽,卷材贴合后,溶剂挥发卷材出现气泡,应提高人工操作技术,将胶粘度制均匀,涂刷均匀,一定达到指干方可贴合。 1, roll foaming hollowing, may be the uniform degree of artificial rubber coated base is not good, there is a thin Youhou, at the same time hanging under the film after place, glue solvent do not fit after solvent evaporation coil, coil bubbles, should improve the manual operation technology, glue viscosity uniform. Coatinguniform must be dry before. 2、卷材贴合后,排出空气之后,用回丝仔细推平压实。 2, after the air after discharge coil fitting, waste, carefully push compaction. 3、卷材接缝处,重复涂胶,也容易造成接缝处气泡空鼓,应在接缝处,采用分时间段间隔操作。同时,接头不宜粘合太早,以使气泡排出。 3, roll seam, repeated coating, also easy to cause the joint bubble hollowing in the seams should be, the time interval of operation. At the same time, the joints should not be glued too early to remove the bubbles. 二、皱折 Two, fold 1、卷材铺贴时不宜用力拉伸,但适当用力可避免卷材边缘出现皱折,短边接缝可将局部卷材裁齐,接缝贴合后,滚压时,用力要均匀,避免将卷材推出皱折。 1, tiles should not stretch, but the appropriate force can avoid the edge of membrane wrinkles, short seam can be local coil cutting, joint fit, rolling, uniform force to avoid coil launch fold. 2、 在细部节点部位,应裁剪合理,避免出现皱折。 2, the detail node location should be cut reasonably, avoid wrinkles. 三、翘边 Three, Alice 1、在接缝部位涂刷一定要均匀到位,不可漏刷,一定要晾至脂干,滚压要及时认真,用力均匀,如有干边及时补胶。 2. 接缝部位清理一定要干净,如有污染,应用溶剂擦洗干净。 1, in the joint site brushing must be even in place, not leakage brush, must be dry to fat dry, rolling should be timely and serious, force evenly, if dry side timely glue. 2. joint cleaning must be clean, if there is pollution, apply solvent scrub clean. 四、渗漏 Four, leakage 卷材破损、孔、洞、搭接处粘接不牢,搭接长度不够等,是造成防水层渗漏的几种原因,应在施工中加强检查,严格执行工艺规程,认真操作,分工序严格把关。 Roll breakage, and hole joint adhesion is not strong, the lap length is not enough, is caused by several reasons of waterproof layer leakage, should strengthen the inspection in construction, strict implementation of process planning, careful operation, divided into strict procedures. 五、 特别注意 Five, pay special attention to 基层胶和搭接胶涂刷完成后,需晾干后开始粘贴。 After the glue and adhesive glue are finished, they should be dried and pasted. |
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