防水施工容易出错的地方、请注意!! |
添加时间:2018/12/4 13:47:29 浏览次数: |
防水施工容易出错的地方、请注意!! Waterproof construction easy to make mistakes, please note!! 防水施工时有很多地方都该注意,如果不注意,做了等于白做,那接下来大广大洋建材来给大家整理出了,防水施工注意事项!大家也可以借鉴一下! Waterproof construction in many places should pay attention to, if not pay attention to, do is equal to white, then the vast majority of ocean building materials to tidy up for you, waterproof construction attention! You can also learn from it! 1、基层没处理好,就刷防水了。 1. If the grass-roots unit is not properly handled, it will be waterproof. 基层如果空鼓、起沙或开裂,先把基层处理结实之后,充分干燥了,再刷防水,否则会影响防水质量和寿命的。 If the base is empty, sandy or cracked, the base is first treated and consolidated, then fully dried, and then waterproofed, otherwise the waterproofing quality and life will be affected. 2、直接在拉毛层上做防水。 2. Waterproof directly on the furring layer. 这样刷涂防水是存在隐患的,拉毛的毛刺尖上,即使被涂上防水涂料,也是最薄弱的地方;很多家庭刷防水前未对原墙拉毛层做铲平处理,直接在毛刺上刷防水,如果毛刺断了,内个位置就是一个小洞洞。所以,在拉毛层刷防水首先要对毛刺进行扫平处理,以不刺手为宜,如果拉毛层有空鼓要先铲掉空鼓部位。 In this way, there are hidden dangers in brushing and waterproofing. Even if the burr tip is coated with waterproofing paint, it is also the weakest place. Many families brush and waterproofing on the burr directly without leveling the original wall before waterproofing. If the burr breaks, the inner position is a small hole. Therefore, brush waterproofing in the furring layer first needs to sweep the burr, so as not to prick the hand is appropriate, if there is an empty drum in the furring layer, first remove the empty drum part. 3、基层有水,进行涂刷。 3. The grass-roots has water to paint. 基层有明水时,会稀释防水涂料,造成乳液不均匀,配比改变,表面形成泛白等。 When the base is clear water, it will dilute the waterproof coating, resulting in uneven emulsion, changing the ratio, and forming a whitening surface. 4、基层没有做湿润处理就开始刷防水了。 4. The grass-roots unit began to brush waterproof without wetting treatment. 基层吸水性强,吸收了防水涂料中的乳液成分,导致干固后的防水层易出现起粉、无强度、针眼等缺陷。建议充分喷水润湿,有些基面甚至要做套胶处理。 The base water absorbs strongly, absorbs the emulsion composition in the waterproof coating, causes the dry solid waterproof layer easy to appear the powder, the intensity, the needle eye and so on flaw. Suggestions are made for full wetting by spraying water, and some base surfaces even need to be covered with glue. |
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