屋面防水施工 |
添加时间:2019/11/6 15:04:14 浏览次数: |
屋面防水施工 Roof waterproof construction 1、工程抗震设防烈度为7度,屋面防水等级为二级,建筑抗震类别为丙类建筑。 1. The seismic fortification intensity of the project is degree 7, the waterproof level of the roof is grade II, and the seismic category of the building is class C. 2、屋顶漏水要先找漏找漏从那儿下手,主要是从屋顶的高出往低处找漏(因为水往底处流),找平层主要是对结构楼板麻面处及结构的阴阳角处进行处理。 2. In case of roof leakage, it is necessary to find the leakage first from there, mainly from the top to the bottom of the roof (because the water flows to the bottom). The leveling layer mainly deals with the pitted surface of the structural floor and the internal and external corners of the structure. 3、首先是看屋顶有没有裂纹,原有的防水层有没有老化掉屋顶,原有的SBS防水卷材有没有气泡,有气泡的话就证明水已经进入防水层的底部了这样就漏水了。还有屋顶上的天沟有没有堵塞。 3. First of all, check whether the roof has cracks, whether the original waterproof layer has aged off the roof, and whether the original SBS waterproof roll has bubbles. If there are bubbles, it will prove that the water has entered the bottom of the waterproof layer, so the water leaks. And the gutter on the roof. |
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