三元乙丙防水卷材施工方法及技术要点 |
添加时间:2020/6/2 16:09:20 浏览次数: |
三元乙丙防水卷材施工方法及技术要点 Construction method and technical points of EPDM waterproof roll ①、卷材在大面积铺贴前,排气槽屋面拐角、天沟、落水口、屋脊等易渗漏薄弱环节应加铺一道附加层。 ① . before large-scale paving of coiled materials, an additional layer shall be paved at the corners, gutters, outfalls, ridges and other vulnerable areas of the exhaust trough roof. ②防水卷材铺贴方向,卷材应平行于屋脊方向从檐口处往上铺贴,双向流水坡度卷材搭接应顺流水方向。 ② In the paving direction of waterproof coiled material, the coiled material shall be paved from the cornice to the top parallel to the ridge direction, and the overlapping of two-way flow slope coiled material shall follow the flow direction. ③、卷材从流水坡度的下坡开始,接卷材规格弹出基准线铺贴。并使卷材的长向与流水坡向垂直,注意卷材的配置应减少阴阳角处的接头。 ③ . the coiled material starts from the downhill of the flow slope, and the reference line will be popped out to pave the coiled material specification. And make the long direction of the coiled material vertical to the flow slope direction. Pay attention to the configuration of the coiled material to reduce the joints at the internal and external corners. ④、铺贴平面与立面相连接的卷材,应由下向上进行,使卷材紧贴阴阳角,铺展时对卷材不可拉的过紧。且不得有皱折、空鼓等现象。 ④ . the coiled material connected with the plane and the facade shall be laid from the bottom up to make the coiled material close to the internal and external corners, and the coiled material shall not be stretched too tightly during spreading. There shall be no wrinkle, hollowing, etc. ⑤、阴角处上翻250㎜,卷材收头采用金属压条钉压,最大钉距不应小于900㎜,然后用密封材料将接缝和压条顶缝嵌填密实。 ⑤ The internal corner shall be turned up for 250mm, the coiled material end shall be pressed with metal batten, the maximum nail distance shall not be less than 900mm, and then the joint and the top joint of batten shall be filled tightly with sealing material. ⑥、管道四周防水层收头处,应采用金属箍筋箍紧。并用密封材料嵌填密实。 ⑥ At the end of the waterproof layer around the pipeline, the metal stirrup shall be used for fastening. And the sealing material shall be used for dense filling. |
上一页 材料防水是靠建筑材料阻断水的通路 |
下一页 防水施工技术要点 |
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