聚氨酯浆料 |
添加时间:2020/7/10 14:48:43 浏览次数: |
聚氨酯浆料用作涂层制备聚氨酯合成革、人造革。聚氨酯合成革具有光泽柔和、自然,手感柔软,真皮感强的外观,具有与基材粘接性能优异、抗磨损、耐挠曲、抗老化、抗霉菌性好等优异的机械性能,同时还具备耐寒性好、透气、可洗涤、加工方便、价格优廉等优点,是天然皮革的最为理想的替代品,广泛应用于服装、制鞋、箱包、家具、体育等行业。凡是真皮应用的领域,它都可替代,而且还可应用于真皮无法应用的领域,真皮的行情很容易受动物(牛、羊、猪等行情的影响,疯牛病)。 Polyurethane slurry was used as coating to prepare polyurethane synthetic leather and artificial leather. Polyurethane synthetic leather has glossy, natural, soft handle and strong leather appearance. It has excellent mechanical properties, such as excellent adhesion to substrate, abrasion resistance, flexural resistance, aging resistance and good mould resistance. It also has the advantages of good cold resistance, breathability, washability, convenient addition, and low price. It is the most ideal substitute for natural leather and widely used. In clothing, shoes, bags, furniture, sports and other industries. It can be used in all fields where dermis is used, and it can also be used in areas where dermis cannot be used. The market of dermis is easily affected by the market of animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, etc., BSE). |
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