卫生间用什么防水材料好? |
添加时间:2021/7/14 14:43:43 浏览次数: |
1、水泥砂浆类防水材料 1. Cement mortar waterproof material 水泥砂浆类防水材料是常见的卫生间涂料,要按照一定比例配以水泥砂浆,形成均匀液体使用。在进行配料时,要使用搅拌器搅拌,在搅拌的同时慢慢加入粉料进行混合搅拌保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 (可加适量水调节黏度,但加水最好在粉料加入前加),要充分搅拌分散,达到均匀无粉团,无沉淀为止,配好的料应在2-3小时内用完。 Cement mortar waterproof material is a common toilet coating, which should be mixed with cement mortar according to a certain proportion to form a uniform liquid. In the process of batching, the mixer should be used to stir. At the same time of mixing, the powder should be added slowly for mixing (appropriate amount of water can be added to adjust the viscosity, but the water should be added before the powder is added). The mixture should be fully stirred and dispersed until it is even without powder and precipitation. The prepared material should be used up in 2-3 hours. 水泥沙浆防水是一种运用于家居装修的传统工艺,它具有造价低、使用广泛,而且性能稳定的特点。 Cement mortar waterproof is a traditional technology used in home decoration. It has the characteristics of low cost, wide use and stable performance. 2.聚合物高分子类防水材料 2. Polymer waterproof materials 聚合物高分子类防水材料由多种水性聚合物合成,然后掺有各种添加剂的优质水泥组成,聚合物的柔性与水泥的刚性结为一体,使得它在抗渗性与稳定性方面表现优异。 Polymer waterproof material is composed of a variety of water-based polymers, and then mixed with a variety of additives of high-quality cement. The flexibility of polymer and the rigidity of cement are integrated, making it excellent in impermeability and stability. 它的优点是施工方便、造价低,节约成本且无毒环保。 It has the advantages of convenient construction, low cost, cost saving, non-toxic and environmental protection. |
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